For some days now I had to deal with postgresql in kubernetes. Dealing with it is meant verbatim in this case because it almost drove me crazy.

The goal?

Run a postgres DB, connect to it and execution some actions/

The problem?

Simply put I spun up a postgresql cluster (via helm) and port-forwarded to one of the pods to run some actions against it. That’s it. I should then have been able to use my IDE of choice and manipulate the tables to my liking. I did a “test connection” and got a green light. Fine! Save and go! Well, no. Connection reset!

Cause and effect?

After some deep-diving (into the night), it turned out I could connect via psql and also connect to a given DB directly (providing the -dbname parameter to psql) to run some SQL statements. Whenever I changed to another DB by with \c, the connection got reset. From within my IDE I did not even get the chance to select a DB!

Solution 1

The above happens with SSL connections (the default) only and a work-around is to disable SSL, for example like this:

PGSSLMODE=disable psql -h <host> -p <port> -U <user>

Soon, after I opened (yet another) issue on GitHub, it got picked up by the community and we already have a PR that hopefully will make its way into the upcoming 1.25 release.

Solution 2

If you do not like disabling SSL or simply don’t have the luxury of disabling security means like SSL, you can spin up an ambassador container (or pod) that will server as an intermediary.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: postgres-ambassador
    name: postgres-ambassador
- name: postgres-ambassador
    image: alpine/socat
    command: ["socat", "-dd", "tcp4-listen:5432,fork,reuseaddr", "tcp4:<postgres-service>:5432"]
    - containerPort: 5432

Replace <postgres-host> with the service or pod you actually want to connect to (by name or IP).1

In the example above one could then connect to the ambassador pod in place of the actual postgres pod. This way a connection reset will be caught by socat and the connection will stay alive, even with SSL enabled.
