I’ve just finished converting a little Scala project of mine to Kotlin. Though the transition worked quite well, there was one thing that took me some time to figure out.

Both projects follow a general layout with respect to where I put my resource files. In both projects the path is /src/main/resources. Source code files reside in /src/main/scala and /src/main/kotlin respectively.

In the Scala code, I had a Class with the following call inside a method, which worked quite well:


To have this work in Kotlin, I had to take multiple aspects into account: - I had to prepend a ‘/’ - I ahd to provide the full path below the ‘sources’ folder. - I needed different calls depending on weather I loaded the resource from within a lambda or property/method.

The full path to chrome.css is /src/main/resources/local.net.ui/chrome.css. That is, under the resources folder, there is another folder named local.net.ui and within that lies chome.css.

Inside a Class (in my case, it is named Chrome), I could load the chrom.css file with a property initialization or directly from within the lambda where it is needed:

#From within a lambda
val css: String? = Chrome::class.java.getResource("/net.ui/chrome.css")?.toExternalForm()

#As a class property (or from witin a method)
val css: String? = javaClass.getResource("/net.ui/chrome.css")?.toExternalForm()

Happy coding!