With the end of the year 2017 I had decided to setup a raspberry pi running some central services for my home infrastructure. While doing so I felt the need for some automated backup. So, I searched around, but did not find what I was looking for. In the end I hacked together my own script.

Throughout my search I cam across dump and restore. This duet looked very promising, but is no longer maintained. So I resorted to tar and rsync.

Having a script that copies one system to another turned out to be not that hard. But it became more complex when I wanted to have support for LVM.

With the end of the year 2018 not that far away the “script’ grew beyond my original expectations and is able to do a lot more than just creating a clone of a SD card for a raspberry pi.

Therefore I decided to rename it to bcrm as in (Backup, Clone, Restore and More)

Check out the project page on github!