Since version 1.23 Weave-Net no longer works with Kubernetes. There has not been any update to the project for over a year and probably there will be no further updates. So, I replaced it with Flannel.

That was actually quite simple. I only hat do add the correct subnet and replace the weave-net YAML with Flannel.

And, you bet. There still was a minor glitch. After I had rebuilt cluster, my core-dns pods showed me something like this:

... network: failed to delegate add: failed to set bridge addr: "cni0" already has an IP address different from

For some reason ‘cni0’ NIC had a different IP than declared in `/run/flannel/subnet.env’

The solution was to simply delete the ‘cni0’ interface. It will be reassigned automatically:

sudo ifconfig cni0 down
sudo ip link delete cni0

Happy sk8ting ;-)