So, while having been over-motivated by my previous post, I went on and wanted to enhance the encryption part of bcrm project. Currently encryption only works with LVM and no other partitions in place. But in a lot of default setups /boot is on a separate partition and then there is the story of EFI with its own system partition.

So, before doing any new enhancements, I ran the current implementation but this time not with Debian Stretch, but the current stable release, Buster. Unfortunately the test failed. I could not figure out why until I learned that from Stretch to Buster the crypt-setup package bumped from version 1.x to 2.x reflecting the new LUKS2 format.

Unfortunately GRUB does not (yet) support LUKS2.. So, for now you will need to run something like the following:

cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda1 --type luks1

This seems to work with all versions of cryptsetup.